Monday, May 13, 2013

Shabina banu

Shabina banu : domestic violence victim in 2008 in bhilwara.

When Shabina was 11 years old she got married to her cousin as per muslim traditions. She now had 2 sons 12 and 11 years old. Her husband has a medical shop and her father in law is a principal in a ITI college. When shabna was 28 years old she had all the responsibilities of her home since her mother in law died. One day when shabana went into a room in her house she saw that her father in law was molesting a 13 year old girl who used to come for cleaning their house. She could not believe what she saw..she was alo scared that it will cause a hindu-muslim riot if this thing gets out. So she asked that girl not to come from tomorrow to work. In the evening when she told her husband about this incident he instead scolded shabina saying that she is making this all up to get rid of him. He was just not ready to believe on that. After this it became very difficult to shabina to live in that houe. As per plan after 8 days she was asked to go back to her parents place saying there is some function and she is invited and huband kept the 2 kids with himself. Now 3 months passed and she did not hear back from him  then she came to Taraji and told her everything. Organisation helped her make a group in which the muslim population was higher in number. When people went to her husband mecial shop Rahuf(husband) attitude was very negative. He was just ready to give her divorce.
After a lot of fighting back and forth a meeting was called fo muslim families. Nobody believed shabina when she told that story for 21/2 year shabina kept fighting for her kids. 4-5 meetings in byavar were called by taraji. Because of media pressure and community shaming Rahuf finally got tired and gave up the 2 kids to shabina but drunk in pride gave him a divorce instantly.Taraji has never seen such a brave girl filled with self confidence and dignity. She there itself told him that just because society expects you can say “talak” 3 times and end the marriage  but she had ended it long ago when she found out what a coward man he is and she is glad that she is no more the wife if such a irresponsible husband. After this the story did not end. After the divorce her husband started insisting that Shabina leave the villages since people talk and that brings down their family name. There was a big fight nad discussion on this topic. Regligous leaders were involved and we asked then if it was a fair demand ? she was being harassed to leave that village , threatened by goons.

Shabina did not give up the brave soul kept fighting all her problem and has been living their since last 4 years. She learned to sew , earned her living through sewing , she opened her  sewing classes to empower them and she maked suure her 2 kids get the bet of education. She has even made a self help group of some muslim women and they talk and try to resolve the issues faced by their community women. Even Taraji attends their meetings to encourage them and inspire them. She is awarded for her courage and leadership qualities.

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